I was driving home the other day and talking to my "Passenger". You know, stuff like: "Lord, did you see that idiot run that light? Oh, I guess you did, being God and all that" As I was driving I started to think about my besties, R (my banana split buddy) and Smiley (my work buddy...yeah...that's right...ummm..."work"). I thought about all the time I spend with them and all the stuff we talk about. Then a nasty little condemning thought snuck into my head:
I am a terrible pray-er.
I decided to mention it to God. "Ummm...God. I'm a terrible pray-er. I'm really sorry but I just don't know how to do a better job of it." I sort of got the feeling that Jesus was wanting me to clarify a little better. "Well you see, I don't seem to spend as much time with you as I should and I just wish I could talk with you the way I talk with my friends. I tell them all sorts of stuff. I'm just not very good at saying
I had a feeling that Jesus was trying to suppress a slightly smug smile at the corner of his lips. In fact, I think I might have just about heard Him say something like: "And what is it you think you've been doing all this time while we were driving home together just now?"
"Huh? But...that doesn't count!"
"Why not?"
"Because it's not '
Proper' praying."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I don't seem to be good at the whole Praise and Worship thing."
Then I think I might have imagined that Jesus could possibly have done this:
"Ummm...Jesus, did you just
FACE PALM me?????"
To which Jesus probably replied: "Yup. I think I did."
I think I was starting to understand what He was trying to get at. I looked up and noticed the sun peeping out from behind a really fluffy cloud. "Oooooh, look at that Lord. Isn't that pretty!"
"Thanks. I thought so when I made it"
"You really are a very talented Artist!"
And I think Jesus might have had a sparkle in His eye and possibly said something like: "You know...I really do love you