Sunday, August 29, 2010

Just checking...

Hmmm....lots of hits here and no comments. How do I know if I'm theologically on track????

Although I go to a Baptist church I feel the need to do a slightly Catholic thing and make "Confession". A man fell asleep behind me in the back row this morning and I giggled when I heard him snoring.
I know I should have been paying more attention to what was going on at the front but I allowed myself to be distracted and am forced to admit that I was jealous that he was asleep and I wasn't. I also ate two Tic Tacs and read through my text messages. "Forgive me Father for I have sinned..."


  1. Hehe now I am wondering who it was. If it wasnt for the back row comment I would have assumed it was my Dad

  2. Nope, it wasn't your dad this time. But I really think you should ask him for his version of events explaining why someone had a bandage over her eye. And just so you know...he started it, not me! ;)
