Monday, March 7, 2011

I sure hope that inner beauty was shining through on Saturday night

I've discovered Skype! It's so clever and I feel just like Captain Kirk on the Star Trek Enterprise. I thought cordless phones were advanced back in the 80s but Friends, we are living in a Science Fiction movie!

There is one little drawback to my Skype discovery and that is the lack of fellow Skypers. So far I've interacted with my Facebook friend in England, and Beloved in bed (although not at the same time). Beloved has a cute little e-book and until the novelty wore off, as a special treat we'd sit next to each other in bed and Skype from e-book to laptop. Sometimes we'd even do it from different rooms.

Skype got even more exciting for me when my long-lost niece T, in Canada,  arranged a video call on Saturday night. This was to be our first real-time "meeting" and being very excited,  I wanted to make a good first impression. We'd worked out our times and I spent two hours beforehand getting myself ready. I chose to wear electric blue (to go with my eye liner) and spent ages curling, straightening and re-curling my hair. I was ready. I logged on. I waited....

I tried to google the time difference between New Zealand and Canada. I forgot exactly which part of Canada I was supposed to google. I checked an hour later. I sadly wondered if I'd been forgotten, shut down the laptop, put on a scruffy shirt and wandered off to the bathroom to colour my hair. Remember Murphy and his law? Murphy made an arrest. My son M logged onto my laptop and when the video call alert came through he discovered that T and I had miscalculated our rendezvous by a couple of hours. So I skyped with my hair wrapped in bits of tinfoil (yes, a former hairdresser can put foil highlights in her own hair) and without makeup. I was mortified.

Very funny God.

I think I'm going off Skype.

I did my best to explain to T that I honestly was looking much nicer two hours earlier and she was fabulous. She put me at ease. She introduced me to her new boyfriend and between them they didn't seem to care that I looked a mess. T has even agreed to wear a face pack for our next Skype.

1 Samuel 16:7 says something about people looking at what's on the outside while God looks at the heart. I think sometimes God helps some special people look past the outside too. I sure hope that's what T was doing. She seems to like me just as I am and it's reassuring to know that God does too.

So...I have a friend who I believe is totally beautiful. She has fabulous hair (compliments to her new hairdresser gratefully received, thank you), dimples when she smiles and her eyes shine when she's happy. She's very modest and doesn't seem to see it herself but her heart is so full of Jesus that His beauty radiates from her. I tell her she has her Father's eyes.

I hope that my heart can be so full of Jesus that He spills out of my eyes too.

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