Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sometimes religion sucks. Jesus doesn't.

I have so many unanswered, burning questions. Here's one: did Adam and Eve have belly buttons? Being created by God out of dust, I'd doubt that Adam would've had an umbilical cord and hence, a tummy button would have been somewhat superfluous. I think it's more possible in Eve's case because she was made with one of Adam's ribs so perhaps there was some kind of connection that might have left a scar but I'm not sure if it would have been on her abs. If she had a button say, on her elbow,  what would it be called? A funny button? And if Eve did have a tummy button, does this mean that she had belly button lint? And speaking of lint, why is it always grey?

I once heard that a church had a division over this thought (the belly buttons, not the lint). I'm not sure if it was really true or just one of those urban legends about what happens when religion goes bad. Apparantly nobody could agree and the church was separated into the innies/outies versus the not-at-all..."ies" and before you know it, a chainsaw was whacked through the middle of the building and half the structure was being trucked up the main road. It all seems a bit silly really but I suppose that's how a lot of religious arguments get started - over something silly.

I think God has given a few clues about what's really important in His Instruction Book. How many times are belly buttons mentioned in the Bible? Actually I don't know but I'm pretty certain there's a heck of a lot more written about His everlasting love for us and how much Jesus wants us to have a relationship with Him. Now that's not silly at all.

1 comment:

  1. This blog asks a very good question! Nice writing. Im going to follow!
